I am James Clancy, President of the St Patrick’s Day parade.
Welcome and THANK YOU for offering your time to the longest and Largest event in Springfield, Illinois.
The returning volunteers know (AND I Appreciate you for coming back again this year!)…that you will see some of the “inside baseball” on how this parade happens.
The new volunteers will be introduced to them and they are yet another source of information for you.
In a nutshell, a board of 6 people live and plan to make this parade happen full time thru the year..but especially in the last 6..then 3 months
Then..on parade day…we hand it over to YOU. YOU are the people that make the parade happen on parade day.
You will feel this and know this after about the 1st hour.
The Board of 6 will be around to ask questions and be your guide..but you all…put it together and make it happen that specific day!
A claim I hope you will enjoy telling your friends later.
Let’s talk Facebook. YOU have your own VIP Volunteer page!
Please use it. I am on there. Ask questions..get updates
St. Pats Day Parade VIP Volunteers in Springfield, IL
If you have not been to the parade website itself.,,here it is
Saint Patrick’s Day Parade | Springfield IL
There is a Menu item called Parade Information.
Much of this is what YOU, the Awesome Volunteer will be needing to make March 11th happen.
I will print out copies on paper and give you all packets that you can carry, it has all the answers to what people will ask you.
I am making an instruction video for you as we speak….and if you can make, we are having a final Meeting Thursday, March 9th at 7pm.
It will be in person…..but it will also be streamed thru Zoom…and you can watch the meeting from home as well
This meeting is for the Parade entries…we want to tell them the rules and expectations. And even meet the Volunteers if you are onsite.
We are securing a site today and will let you the location soon.
You have your own email Volunteers@StPatsDayParade.com
You can ask questions there or Info@StPatsDayParade.com
Or me at this email.
I just wanted to drop you a line and say HI….
In closing….
In Irish, we say:and spelled Go raibh maith agat
In English, it is Pronounced guh ruh maw a-gut
Translated Means: “Thank you”
So…Go raibh maith agat to you!
James Clancy
St. Patrick’s Day Parade President